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Excel, the most used spreadsheet application, serves thousands of formulas for performing different functions. We frequently use many functions in our day-to-day analysis, and some need to be used more. Among these highly used and less used functions lie the Excel underrated functions.

Learn the Five Underrated Functions in Excel

Here are five underrated functions in Excel that are extremely useful. 

  • Convert Function 

The convert function of Excel is used to convert numbers specified in one unit to another unit. It can convert quantities like length, mass, volume, and many more between different units. The syntax of the convert function is- =Convert(number," from_unit"," to_unit"). The convert function eliminates the need to insert functions and does the conversion task quickly.


  • Networkdays function

The Networkdays function calculates the net number of days between two dates, excluding the holidays in between. Many employees and even school-going children get interested in calculating the number of working days after excluding the holidays. The function syntax is- Networkdays(start_date,end_date,[holidays]). While mentioning the non-working days and the start/end dates, you can find out the working days.


  • Indirect function

The Indirect function in Excel is used to indirectly reference a cell or a cell range by treating the range as a text. The syntax of the function is- =Indirect(cell_reference). It is a beneficial formula for working on different sheets with the desired ranges. 


  • Sumif Function 

The Sumif function is used in Excel to calculate the sum of the numbers meeting specific criteria. The syntax for the function is =SUMIF(range, criteria, (sum_range)). Suppose you want to find Kim's scores on a score list. In that case, the criteria for calculating the sum will be "Kim", and based on it, the sum will be given as an output. 


  • Transpose Function 

The Transpose function in Excel is used to convert the columns data to rows and rows to columns. The syntax for the function is =Transpose(cell_reference_array). The transpose function is one of the underrated functions due to the availability of the paste special option. However, using the transpose function eliminates the risk of duplication of values. 


A few functions in Excel remain underrated and less used daily, even after being of a lot of help. The article discussed five functions you might have heard of but not used. Try using these five underrated functions while using Excel, and let us know which functions you find interesting in the comment selection. 



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