Every time you perform something new in Excel, you learn about the functions and features that surprise you.

Here are five things about yet another amazing feature of Excel: Slicers.
What are slicers?
Slicers are a filter tool that can be created with visual representations in Excel. They help filter out data to be presented by visuals such as graphs, tables, pivots, etc. Let us suppose you have trend charts or line charts for 10 years, and you want to analyse the sales trend over the years. The easiest way to look at the individual or specific group of years is by creating slicers and selecting the required data.
Where to use slicers?
Slicers are used to create dynamic data. Dynamism here refers to variables studied according to the needs of the hour. Let us suppose you are creating charts for hospital staff in different departments and want to know the department-wise working hours as well as the working hours per employee within the department. In such a case, you can use slicers to filter out the data from the charts and make inferences by selecting the required information tabs under the slicers.
How to insert Slicers?
Inserting slicers in Excel is very easy. All you need to do is select the table, pivot, or chart, go to the Design tab, tools section, and select the option Insert Slicer. Select the column for which you want to find the filtered data, and you are done. Now, you will observe data filters alongside the visuals, which are easy to view, select, and filter.
Advantages of inserting Slicers
We know that slicers are the filters created for tables and visuals. But why do we need them when we can use table filters from the table headers? The answer is to make the data convenient and representative to the viewer. While using filters to filter out the data stored in a column, we often encounter situations where the data entries are highly diverse. Thus, filtering becomes difficult with the checkbox options. For such scenarios, creating a slicer makes selecting the required data accessible.
Tips to create slicers
Creating slicers in Excel is an easy process; however, some things must be considered. While creating slicers, the user must delete the unnecessary data fields and club the less relevant data fields into a separate category. It is essential that you provide an appropriate name for the slicer. The slicer must be well-spaced, with each field visible clearly.
There are many things in Excel that make it effective and efficient for performing diverse tasks. One such example is the slicer, which filters out the visual data. Data analysts use slicers to create different types of dashboards and visual reports. Try using slicers to create interactive reports, and let us know in the comments section how it made your work different from what you already performed.